Mini-Van Moth Infestation

Every month here at we sponsor a photo contest in which we invite customers to send us their most impressive photo showing the outstanding moth catching ability of our line of moth traps. Many times, a picture does truly speak a thousand words, or in this case, at least dozens of moths.
Customers who submit one of the five best photos of the month receive a gift certificate that can be redeemed for a set of two moth traps. In addition, all customers who submit a photo showing a used moth trap with at least 10 moths caught will receive 10% off coupon to be applied to a future order. Here at, it pays to take and submit a photo of your moth trapping success stories.

Minivan Moth Trap

Minivan Moth Trap

The customer who submitted the winning photo wrote a note with the photo:
“We have been dealing with a moth infestation in our minivan! We’re still not sure of the source (or their food source), but thankfully your traps are finally getting it under control. See the attached photo, of a trap on the dashboard of our van, after 6 weeks of use. It’s so full that we just ordered another set of traps! Thanks for the great product.”

Wow, what can we say? Even we are impressed with the number of moths this customer managed to catch in our moth trap. We sell a lot of moth traps for use in a large number of situations, but even we had never heard of moths infesting an automobile. But this customer’s success in using our moth traps in even this unusual location speaks to the power of the attractant, the strength of the adhesive trap surface and the versatility of the design that allows it to be used literally just about anywhere, including we now know in your minivan.

Whenever you are facing an infestation of pantry moths remember us here at for our commitment to traps, we sell nothing else, meaning we have the knowledge and expertise to help you rid yourself of these types of pests in most any environment. We also feature super-fast shipping.

Most importantly, we have now introduced the new and exclusively available from us Able Catch Moth Trap with multiple features and additions that make it the top-of-the-line product in the moth trap market. In fact, our Able Catch Moth Trap was recently rated the number one new product in pest control by a major national website.

Visit us today at to learn how we can help you with your moth, spider, and other insect trapping and elimination needs today.