Pantry Moths stain walls and waste food.

Too many times have I stained my wall swatting a pantry moth that flew in from the kitchen.

Having Fish, Birds and Dogs as pets I didn’t want to risk poisons in the house, so I knew I needed a non-pesticide method of getting rid of moths. The solution was pheromone moth traps.

Moth Traps – The good, the bad and the ineffective

Initially I looked for a moth trap that was inexpensive, and figured ‘aren’t all moth traps the same’. After buying more traps from local big box stores, and ordering some moth traps online, I realized that how effective a moth trap was didn’t always correspond to how expensive (the best moth traps are mid-range priced) or how flashy the marketing ( moth can’t read fancy marketing ). A simple glue board with a well sealed individually packaged female moth pheromone square was the best solution (forget about ‘pheromones integrated into the glue’).

So with all of these moth traps I wanted to let others know about what worked and what didn’t. So here it is: a simple source for information, reviews and news about moth traps.

Thanks for reading.
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